Datatag UK launches innovative machine anti-theft solution: RFID encrypted tags help combat theft

In response to the increasingly serious problem of machine theft, the British Building Equipment Association (BESA) has partnered with Datatag to launch a new rapid inspection and hyper labeling technology. This innovative technology not only provides law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to combat theft and protect important machinery, but also brings revolutionary changes to the way police interact and protect construction and agricultural machinery worldwide.

This project called RAPID is based on an networked application that integrates data from approximately 625000 construction and agricultural machinery into an accessible platform. This database is a huge benefit for law enforcement agencies, allowing all 142000 police officers in the UK and countless others worldwide to access comprehensive data with just one smartphone. The system securely integrates police, manufacturers, and insurance data, and by entering a portion of the vehicle identification number (VIN) or any relevant number, the police can quickly determine the status of the machine.

The core of this technology is the UltraTag developed by Datatag, which is an ultra secure RFID chip that is not accessed or modified by ordinary readers and writers. When used with a specific data label scanner, the reading distance will be longer. This type of label can be embedded into the machine, transmitting information through radio waves, allowing the real-time position and status of the machine to be quickly and accurately tracked.

“Our UltraTag is a revolutionary in RFID technology, providing unparalleled security features that can almost prevent tampering,” said Kevin Howells, Managing Director of DataTag. “We believe that our new rapid inspection will completely change the way police, construction, and agricultural machinery interact and protect globally.”

The launch of this new technology has received strong support from the British Building Equipment Association. The association stated that with the emergence of rapid inspection applications, the CESAR security program has registered nearly 625000 systems, which is the most important improvement in 16 years. A spokesperson for the association said, “We are pleased to collaborate with Datatag to launch this innovative technology to protect our members and their assets.”

The launch of this new technology marks an important step for the UK in combating machine theft. By using this technology, law enforcement agencies can track the location and status of machines more quickly and accurately, thereby more effectively combating theft. In addition, this technology can also enhance the security of machine owners, making them aware that their assets are being protected.


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